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4 behaviors' to try if you're healing over past trauma

  who are you really? There is this feeling of hopelessness when we've been traumatized, trauma doesnt stop to tell you "hey, can i come in", nahhhh it just bounds in like you've been living together forever.  Regardless , you have to kick trauma back out your door as far away from your perimeter as possible because that is the only way to go on not just with life but living. Here are four behaviors to try out if you've made up your mind to heal from those stuff that hurt you terribly leaving scars that only you know about; Forgive yourself ; sometimes why we hurt when we've been hurt by someone else is because we feel like we allowed them, gave them the right access, became vulnerable enough for them to be able to hurt us. it produces such self hate as no other external source can cause. we must learn to forgive ourselves for making those mistakes, by learning from them, and choosing to go on living, go on loving. Express love ; nature has a way of providing

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