are you disrespecting yourself? 5 ways to know if you have self respect.

 have you ever given this a thought?

damned to say but its a usual thing for the concepts of pride, rudeness and self respect to be easily misused and replaced. It is a misconception we face on a daily basis, however, when someone has self respect for themselves they could be the kindest person in the world and so much so humble!

self respect is simply, treating yourself the way you want to be treated by others!! some people might see this as pride and that's because it isn't easy to walk on you and go scot free.

here are five basic ways to know if you have respect for yourself;

  1. You know how and when to say no; People who have respect for themselves know when to mark the boundaries in their dealings with others, they wouldn't do it if it makes them uncomfortable just to please the other person. They would rather not be liked than being liked for who they are not.
  1. You are not easily manipulated; In this day and age, most people thrive on manipulating others by twisting their emotions just to get what they want. If you have respect for yourself, it wouldn't be easy for anyone to use words to manipulate your feelings to get what they want, you'd know what you want to give and would not allow manipulations to get you to change your mind.
  1. You have a well defined lifestyle; There's this thing people do when they say they're just going along with the flow or following the trend. A person who has self respect is not bothered by trends or flows, they create their own trends and choose the ones that they are comfortable with regardless of what people might say. If you keep trying to dress up like Amelia, speak like Felicia, walk like Sonia, you definitely do not respect yourself enough.
  1. You do not compare yourself to others; I heard this quote recently, it said, "if you walk into a room and you begin to compare yourself to others to ensure that you are better, then you don't have respect for yourself", because if you did, you wouldn't have to compare yourself  to anyone in the first place.
  1. You build yourself; A person who has high esteem for themselves wants to be the best version of themselves, therefore they motivate themselves to be, they work on themselves and make situations that would help them be better than they were yesterday. Even when they don't achieve goals the way they want to, they wake up with this belief that, "I'm one step ahead from where I was yesterday" and keep pushing to make themselves better, no matter what anyone says.

so, do you have respect for yourself?
let's lead with love and light💋💋💋
