the ghost within, 5 how's when it comes to self care

hey! hope youve had a great week, whatever day of the week it is where you are doesnt really matter just know that in this time and space as im sat here writing this all i pray for is that youre happy and well.
with love, Hekima.....okay leggo

its a basic and really scary  phenomena when we come to the realization that sometimes we are the enemies of ourselves. I know that judging from the title...dear reader, the thoughts coursing through your brain veins are how you should place yourself before others and take care of your self regardless of what others think. However, come to think of it... what if you, yup, you , yourself in your very being are the others. Its a common concept to always want to put the blame on someone else but what if the blame is actually ... not on you per say... but on the attitudes and habits you've imbibed. when it comes to this, this is when there's a ghost within, a ghost that leads you to self harm.
the key word here is self harm, its important we note that self harm goes beyond physically harming yourself. It actually precedes from our thoughts, our inner mindset. however i plan not to dwell on the word itself, but rather on personal attitudes we often overlook that are actually breaking the bridge we need to cross over to self care.

so here goes nothing and everything, 5 how's when it comes to self care;

  1. low self esteem; oft times we tend to make our low self esteem look like its humility, or we'd rather just mask it in a charade of "I'm better than everyone else". however, why don't you take a minute and crucially scrutinize how you view yourself regardless of the ideas that have sprung forth from your community concerning your lifestyle. is it all a charade? the detriment of failing to examine yourself and truly attain that level of esteem you wish to have for yourself is that at the end of the day you end up playing a role that is not who you are and it turns out to be bothersome and draining....

  1. getting engrossed in your feelings: in the last article "FIVE BASIC WAYS TO ACHIEVE PEACE OF MIND"  we looked at changing our perceptions. imagine being caught up in your feelings all the time, you get to miss the best part of what life really has to offer at that moment because your persuading your self to feel self-pity. the more you think about your life being difficult the more it would be. so why not try getting out of your head once in a while into reality

  1. isolation: the popular adage states that," an idle mind is the devils workshop". its obvious that the devil represents everything evil and bad and sinful in this analogy.  betty, sorry to break your bubble, but locking yourself up in the room in the darkness doesn't make you more emo, it just turns you into a train wreck waiting to go up in flames with all the bundled up thoughts you've gathered during your isolation. its okay to isolate sometimes but haba! why make it a lifestyle?
  1. attention seeking: people are pretty big on attention seeking and the moment the crowd turns away from them they begin to feel worthless, because they only feel worthy when there's a large audience cheering and shouting their names. however, your worth doesn't come from any exterior source, you were literally born worthy. In view of the painful truth that the big audience you're relying on might not always have your back.
  1. Over caution: the ideology that someone is always trying to stab you in the back or the thought that someone hates you and therefore you have to retaliate is a one step downhill to paranoia, its okay to be guarded because the honest truth is that we can never tell the thoughts that are coursing through the minds of another human being. however, you could only be building a fortress that in the long run might become a prison. be guarded, not over cautious. imagine going through the crowd suspecting everyone, you might never get the chance to focus on your own self because your eyes are clued to everyone else's back roaming in all directions trying to keep up with what everyone else is doing an if its wrong!?

lets lead with love and light y'all,
have a great day
signed; Sophy
