
It's really lovely to have you! It might be a shitty day right now, or why not, it might be a good day. Don't think too much on it though, live in the moment, appreciate your emotions, they matter and lastly, don't forget to subscribe, follow and leave a comment at the end if you haven't prior to this




I'd love to share a story today. here goes;

When i was younger about ten or so, my sister and I had this group of friends we were really close to, we seemed to be eternally together with them, we were either at their place, or they at ours, our parents had become so used to us being together that once we said we were going to so and so's place it was not so much of a bother. We went to the same Church, lived in the same area, played in the same playground, had similar ideologies of fun although fun-fact, lol, I was more of the quiet one in the group, my sister taking the spotlight as the vibrant one of our pair, the only thing that separated us then was school and really not much if you ask me. However as years went on, the 2010-2012 crises in Kaduna became hot as they would say. My family narrowly escaped a bombing incident, so my dad decided to pack his family up and we moved....

now here's what...

you'd believe that since we were so close as kids we'd remain so as adults right! fat chance, we all changed, we all had new experiences separate from what we knew as a group, new ideologies of life had been formed over the years, currently we still call and text and say our hi's but now we have new friends, new territories, new boundaries.

so here's my question. what then?👀 👀 👀

The wholesome quiet truth is that sometimes, some of us, dread change, we don't want things to change, we are so scared of it that we cling to a past that has long disappeared and has left us grasping to empty space. We then begin to feel empty ourselves like our lives don't matter much now that things have changed. 


You know? One of the most dangerous things that can happen to a human being who is on the move is to keep looking back to see if what he/she did, or what he/she experienced is still behind them. Just imagine the scenario or better still, give it a practical try, get up, try to move forward but keep looking behind you, yup, that's what, you'd either run into the wall or stumble on your own feet!The Irony...

Personally, I know how hard it can be to give up on a past especially when it's something that meant so much to you, so we try to recreate it, to relive it, to hold on to it, but sometimes we have to admit, right?, that it don't just work. So what then?

So here's the conclusion I've come to. if you give it your best try and it don't work, don't berate yourself. 'Cause here's what...Being appreciative of the past is good, but living in the present is better and anticipating a future is even so so much better.

Leaving the past in the past is a very honest way to accept grace. As the famous quote goes;

"we do not heal the past by dwelling there, we heal the past by living fully in the present"

- marianne williansom

Don't forget to laugh, its therapy!

lead with love and light,



Jason Cypher said…
Honestly I think this is a healthy post, nobody ever become who they are meant to be by dwelling in the past.
Sophy said…
THANK YOU JASON CYPHER FOR THE REVIEW. I wonder what others think. can't wait to read your comments guys. lets continue to unravel hekima together. xo
Timothy Adedayo said…
This is an incredible piece of writing! It resonates with some recent thoughts I’ve had. The past is behind us, and we must focus on the present to build a better future. Thanks, Sophy